Wednesday 12 September 2012

Reading, reading, reading!

Hello all,

We are currently in the process of hearing all the children read, and will be reassessing their reading levels as soon as possible. When we have heard your child read we will advise you which band of reading book you should choose, with your child, from the boxes in the corridor.  We will also be sending out the high frequency words your child needs to practise as soon as possible.  

In the meantime, please continue to read with your child daily. I cannot emphasise enough the benefits this will have on your child's learning across the curriculum! 

Please remember, reading needs to be FUN, and the children need to be reading a wide range of reading material - not just story books! Sharing non-fiction books is really important too as it will reinforce that books can be a source of information, which will be very useful in finding out about their interests! 

What reading opportunities do we have in year one? 

A reading workshop every morning where the children have a guided group reading session with me, with a 'post reading' activity based on the book the following week focusing on comprehension. 

Letters and Sounds every day for 30 minutes which focuses on the mechanics of reading, including a phonics workshop on Friday where the children choose from a range of fun phonic activities. 

We have a fantastic library at Blandford St Mary which the children visit weekly. They each choose a book on a Wednesday and this is then shared with their year 6 reading partner on a Monday afternoon. 

This is all in addition to their literacy lessons, and the reading incorporated in their topic work and across the curriculum. 

1 comment:

  1. We have now listened to all the children read. The book in your child's book bag is now the correct colour band for them. Please try to read with your child regularly, and feel free to come in to swap the book with another book from the same colour band. If you feel your child needs to move up a level please see me or Mrs Gibson in the morning and we will aim to do an assessment that day. Please see me if you have any questions, Miss Burge.
