Sunday 21 July 2013

Beach Trip

Remember to think about all of the things we have learnt during our Summer Safety topic. Please come to the school tomorrow morning with everything you need to keep safe in the sun so we can all enjoy the day!

The end of a very hot week!

Despite the hot weather last week year one were busy working hard! We have been learning all over the school (including some very strange places) whilst trying to find somewhere cool...! As part of our Where the Wild Things Are week we wrote fantasy stories in Literacy and in Topic we have been getting very creative developing our Art and Design skills!! Here are some pictures from the week.... 
These are our yummy 'Wild Thing' cakes...we had great fun making these! 
This is our fantastic Where The Wild Things Are picture. We all worked together as a group to create the setting using a variety of printing skills. We thought carefully about the Wild Things to go on the setting and created them using brusho. 

Sunday 7 July 2013

Sentence Builder

Here is a game to help you practise your ICT skills. Drag the characters into the picture and have a go at building sentences to describe what is happening using the word bank. You can write your own sentences too!

A day at the beach

Friday 5 July 2013

Summer has arrived!

The weather forecast for the weekend is finally looking good so we are getting into the summer spirit in year one this week!

In Literacy we will continue our work on Poetry and will be writing our very own poems about the seaside! We will think about all of the top tips we have learnt so far from looking at lots of different poems.

We have tried really hard this week to use comparisons in our writing, for example...

The waves at the beach were as rough as sandpaper. 

We have also learnt the word 'alliteration' and have been describing objects using alliteration, for example...

The clever crab crept along the carpark clicking his claws. 

I can't wait to read our poems when they are finished! 

In Numeracy this week we are learning about Odd and Even numbers. See if you can start to recognise odd and even numbers here...
Odd and Even
Odd and Even 2
We will also continue to practise counting in 2s and 5s and using this knowledge to solve word problems and money problems. 

In Topic we are continuing our theme of Summer by looking at 'Summer Safety'. With summer (hopefully) fast approaching and the beach trip on the horizon I think it is very important for us all to learn how to keep ourselves safe and to learn the responsibilities we have to keep us safe. After introducing this topic we went outside for our afternoon break. Having told the children it was very hot outside so not to run around and to find some shade I turned around to see this........!

Watch this video to start learning about staying safe in the sun! 


In Numeracy last week we were learning about fractions! We looked at the story of the Little Red Hen makes a Pizza, and once we had learnt all about sharing and fractions we made our very own pizza! If you look closely you will notice they were particularly special pizzas as they had fraction toppings! Each group had a recipe telling them how much of the pizza would be covered by each of the toppings... we had great fun making the pizzas...and of course great fun eating them!

Ahoy me hearties!

We have all had a busy few weeks in year one and we have been working hard! We have been thinking about our transition into year two and the children visited their new classroom and met their new teacher on Wednesday! It was very exciting! 

We have come to the end of our Pirate topic and we have all learnt so much about included! We have produced some fantastic writing, numeracy, home learning and topic work! 

Here are our 3D treasure islands. We used salt dough to make the island and thought carefully about what features we could have on our map, and how we could create these features. It was very sticky and needed a lot of patience to get them right! 

Once we were happy with our treasure islands we had to leave them to dry and go hard! Once they were dry we were ready to paint them! We thought carefully about what colours we would need and worked with blacks and whites to make our colours darker or lighter. We also mixed the colours we didn't have. I think they look fantastic! 

 Can you spot yours? 

We have also made our own map based on the story 'A New Home for a Pirate'. We listened carefully to the story and talked about all the events that happened. We then had to create our own maps based on the story. We dipped them in tea to make them look old! We have learnt lots of map skills! 

This weeks home learning was fantastic! A very big well done to everyone who brought in a model of something you might find on a pirate ship! Here is a picture of your wonderful creations...

Saturday 22 June 2013

Another exciting week...

In Literacy next week we will be learning about letter writing. We
will be writing letters to each other and we will also start to think about next year and what questions we could ask in a letter to Year Two. We will also be thinking of the differences between Reception and Year One and will be writing letters to Reception to tell them all about Year One.

In Numeracy next week is 'Creative Maths Week'. We are going to be reading the story 'The Little Red Hen makes a Pizza' which will support our learning about fractions. We will be looking at fractions of shapes and numbers. We will be learning two new words about fractions too... the 'numerator' and the 'denominator'. We will be designing our own Pizza's and we will even have a go at making some!

In Topic we will be continuing our Pirate theme. We will be thinking about Pirate's treasure and where they found their 'booty'. We will be looking at maps, atlases and globes to locate places where they found booty and we will also be making our own treasure islands! We will be welcoming some Reception children in to our classroom again too!

On Monday we have something very exciting coming to school...The Science Dome! We will be visiting the Science Dome first thing Monday morning so we have a very fun start to the week!
As we have another week planned here is a copy of what is happening when!