Thursday, 30 May 2013

Arts Week!

Hello! I hope you are all enjoying your half term! I am sure you are all having lots of fun and are very busy! If you do start looking for things to do towards the end of the week remember your home learning and to practise your letters and sounds! 

I am very excited about next week as it is our Arts Week! The theme across the school is the 'Seven Natural Wonders of the World'. Do you know what they are? Watch this video to find out more...

In Year One we are going to be learning about the amazing Victoria Falls which are found along the Zambezi River which divides Zimbabwe and Zambia, both of these countries are in Africa. You might like to find out some facts about the falls to share with the class when we come back! 

They are beautiful aren't they! We will be learning about the falls, and Africa, all across the curriculum.
  •  In Literacy we will be following the blog of a young girl in Africa and finding out about her adventures at the falls. 
  • In Numeracy we are going to be exploring/sorting African art and thinking about water and capacity. 
  • In Guided Reading we will be looking at a range of books, both fiction and non-fiction, that look at different parts of the topic. 
  • In Topic time we are going to look at african art, pattern and dance masks and have a go at making our own! We are also going to have an african dance workshop where we will get to learn some african beats on drums too! 

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Literacy - Play Scripts

In Literacy this week we will continue our work on Play Scripts. We have been busy learning about all the different features of play scripts, learning the story of Chicken Licken, and we have started to write our own play scripts! Here is a preview of one of Mae's play script. She has remembered to include the features of play scripts and her handwriting is fantastic too! Well done! 

Topic - Giuseppe Arcimboldo

As part of our topic we have been looking at the work of Giuseppe Arcimboldo. We looked at some of his paintings here, and looked at what he had used for the different facial features. In groups we were then given a tray of fruit and we had to design our own face in the style of Giuseppe. We then sketched our images and practised mixing colours to create our own paintings. This week in topic we will be practising our ICT skills to create more pictures in the style of Giuseppe! Pictures to follow... 

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Topic - Welcome to our Cafe....

Welcome to our new Cafe! We have been busy making menus and thinking about what we need inside the cafe. We have tables and chairs, food, a till, a cooker, a microwave, aprons and chef hats... and even a place to wash up! 

Making Pasta!

We had a great time making Pasta today! We had some interesting suggestions for what we thought the ingredients of pasta were, and then we found out there were only 2 ingredients... flour and eggs! Simple! We worked in groups to mix, knead, roll and cut the pasta and then Mrs Gibson boiled the pasta in boiling water. We added a bolognese sauce and then we tried out our creation! 

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Topic - Where in the World?

When we first thought about what we wanted to learn about in our topic, lots of people wanted to know where food comes from and how it is made, so this week we will be answering some of these questions! We will look at where different fruits come from around the world using a world map and an atlas. On Tuesday, after some very interesting ideas about where pasta comes from, we will be having a go at making our own! On Friday we will be playing with food! We are going to make faces out of a variety of foods, sketch them, and then work on mixing paints to make the right colours to paint them! There is a great game here to inspire you...

Numeracy - money money money....

In Numeracy this week we will be learning more about money! We will be using our knowledge of adding up and taking away to help solve money problems. We will be working out the price of items when they are 'half price' and adding up the total cost if we want to buy more than one thing! We will be reminding ourselves of all the different coins and how much they are worth and how we can use them to pay for things. This will be really useful in our new role play cafe!

You could practise at home too... try making some price labels for your toys and pretend to buy them!

Literacy - Learning about Play-scripts...

In Literacy we will be learning about play-scripts! We are going to be looking closely at the story of Chicken Licken and seeing if we can create our very own play script! We will also be supporting this learning in our guided reading sessions. There are lots of examples of play scripts here... Play scripts. There are lots of different versions of the story, here is a video you might like to watch.  

Monday, 6 May 2013

Topic - How do plants grow?

In topic last week we looked at how plants grow and what they need to grow. We have set up our own experiments in class to see what plants need to grow. Each group has their own instructions to follow to see what happens. Some groups have hidden their beans in dark cupboards, some aren't watering their bean and some people have used sand instead of soil! We have made predictions about what we think will happen (..and why) and we are now waiting to see what happens!

On Friday afternoon we worked together to create a display to remind ourselves about the different stages of plant growth. We just need to label it now!

RE - Visit to the Church...

We had a lovely visit to the local church on Wednesday. The sun was shining and we all enjoyed our walk through the meadow. We took our sketch books with us and drew some great pictures of parts of the church we found interesting. The church warden showed us around and answered all of the questions we had thought about in class. A very big thank you to all those who came to help us with our trip - we hope you enjoyed yourselves too!