Saturday, 23 March 2013

Numeracy...fractions and fives!

Over the last week we have been finding halves of shapes and numbers and realising that halving is the opposite of doubling. We made our own 'Finding Fractions' posters with all of our halving knowledge! There are some on display in the classroom. We also learnt how to count in 5s..all the way up to 100! This week we are going to build on this knowledge, finishing sequences and answering more 'word problems'... towards the end of the week we will be solving some easter problems!

Keep practising counting in 5s here!

Literacy...Information texts

This week we will continue to look at non-fiction texts and will be writing our own informative texts too.

We are also going to spend a bit of time reminding ourselves when (and where) to use capital letters and full stops. There are some games here for you to practise at home...

Full stops

Capital Letters

Capital letter dragon game

Literacy and ICT...Learning about Dictionaries!

We have learnt all about how to use a dictionary this week...we have even had a go at making our own dictionary entries! We used dictionaries to find out some definitions about mini-beasts and we have also looked in non-fiction texts to add our own pieces of information. We created a class dictionary by hand, and also had a go at typing them up on the laptops. Look out for them in our role play area!
They are great!

Monday, 18 March 2013

Friday, 15 March 2013

To be the best that I can be...

To help us remember to be the best that we can be, we have a new display in our classroom to help us. We must remember to check all of these things before we say we have finished. 

Only work that we are sure has all of these things is allowed on the 'finished' splodge! 

Numeracy - Counting in 5s

In Numeracy next week we will recap how to count in 2's and 10's, and will be learning to count in 5's. We will also begin to look at fractions, and how we can record these. We will be looking at halves and quarters of objects and numbers. Remember to look on IXL for games to play at home.

Literacy - Dictionaries!

Next week in Year One, we will be using our knowledge of the alphabet explore dictionaries! We will be ordering words alphabetically, learning how to use a dictionary and looking at how to find information in non-fiction texts. By the end of the week we will be writing our own entries for a class dictionary! Check out the games on mycity to start practising!

Music - Exploring Sounds

In our topic 'Sounds Interesting' we have been exploring different sounds. This week we have been busy reading information texts about instruments and have written about what we have learnt in our own words. We have also designed and made our own instruments and explored using a variety of materials. We made a mad dash outside, when the sun made its brief appearance, and have been making our own music wall using everyday objects. We have learnt you don't need instruments to make 'a lot' of noise!! 

The girls busy following and designing sound scores outside.

Making a lot of noise outside! 

World Book Day

World Book Day

We had a very exciting day on World Book day. We read Julia Donaldson's lovely new story 'The Paper Dolls' and based our day around the story. We shared our morning with Reception and we had exciting activities going on in Reception and in Year One. We made puppets, paper dolls, designed front covers, shared stories, used laptops to create stories, thought of our own adventures for the paper dolls and lots more! See if you can spot the different characters in the pictures! 

Fantastic fantasy story writing...

This week we have written amazing fantasy stories! We have spent time looking at a range of fantasy stories, hot seating characters, thinking of magic objects and exploring different settings. After looking at James and the Giant Peach we explored 'shared writing' to create a class story and then we had a go at writing our own stories independently.

This is Masons front cover for his story! We cut out 'tiny' pictures of ourselves and pretended to be scared of the giant bugs! 
This is Archie using his whiteboard to choose which fantastic adjective he wants to use in his story. In our shared writing we ask the whole class to suggest better words for 'boring' words, make a draft list of them, and then we choose our favourite word! 
Nicolle's excellent story! 

Oliver's incredible independent writing! 

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Literacy - Year One and the Giant Bugs

This week in Year One we will be writing our own fantasy stories using our fantastic bugs as inspiration. We will be thinking about the setting of our story, which bugs we might meet if we were tiny and what they might say to us! I'm looking forward to another imaginative week in Goldilocks Base!

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Meet the mini-beasts...!

This is our new role play area. We are going to be coming in here to make lots of music and sounds! There is lots of recycling and things that you might find around the home that we can make our own instruments with! We have even labelled where everything goes to help us keep it nice and tidy...!
We made 5 bugs altogether. We worked hard in teams to make them out of paper mache and then we painted them with sponges! We were inspired by the bugs we saw in the garden and by the bugs we saw on James and the Giant Peach! 
Our own fantasy land! 
The wasp 'sunbathing' in the nice weather waiting to dry! 
We worked together to get the job done! The bugs were really big so it took lots of team work to get them painted!
Enjoying the sunny weather! 

Exploring the garden...

As part of our literacy learning we went out into the peaceful patch and pretended that we had eaten some crocodile tongues like James had in James in the Giant Peach. We imagined we were all tiny and wondered what life would be like in the garden if we were only a few centimetres high! We took magnifying glasses out to help us! We wondered who we might meet and how we would feel...

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Literacy and Art - Giant mini beasts!

In Literacy we have been looking at fantasy stories and on Thursday we watched a clip of James and the Giant Peach. We thought about all the different adventures James might have had with the peach and on Friday we had a go at making our very own giant mini-beasts for the classroom! They aren't quite finished but they look brilliant and year one showed me how well they can all work as part of a team! Fingers crossed the paper mache has dried over the weekend and we can start painting tomorrow! 

Topic - What can you hear?

In topic we have been learning how we hear sounds, and thinking about all the different sounds sources there are! We started listening in the classroom and then we went on a sound walk outside and recorded what we could hear on a map. I think we have some excellent listeners in Year One as some children thought they could even hear the plants growing!