
Friday 7 June 2013

A week to be proud of...

Scroll down to find out about all the exciting things we have been up to in Arts Week! 

In Art we have been busy making all sorts of african style crafts. We have learnt about african dance masks and we had a go at making our own with clay. We learnt lots of new skills...they look great! 

We have been talking about the animals we might find around the Victoria Falls. We all worked together to produce this fantastic giraffe picture! We used paint and objects to print with for the background, and we used oil pastels to create the giraffes. 

We have also been looking at African patterns. We noticed they were often in stripes and have lots of shapes in them. As well as making our own individual patterns we have also made this whole class pattern where we all contributed a stripe each! I think it looks wonderful!

In Numeracy we have been making tables and bar charts about what you can see in these lovely images painted by Zimbabwean women. We have also been looking at capacity and deciding which containers would be most useful in Africa. Have a go at making your own pictograph here. Make your own Pictograph

In Literacy we imagined we had spent the week at Victoria Falls. We have written letters telling the people at home about what we have been up to at the falls! All of year one have written some fantastic letters! They are all up in the hall for you to come and have a look at! 

We also had an african dance and drumming workshop. It was great! We learnt a dance called the Gahu and learnt the beats that go with the dance on the drums! We have been practising it in active time too!

We have had a really busy week in Year One! We have produced some fantastic, great quality work that all the children should be very proud of. Well done Year One.

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