
Sunday 3 February 2013

Topic - Enterprise Week

I hope you have all recharged your batteries over the weekend because this week is going to be very busy! For Enterprise week this year we have decided to continue our learning about the Victorians. We were inspired on our visit to the museum to create our own Victorian toys to sell at the Enterprise market on Friday. We will be making peg dolls, cup and ball toys and victoria sponge cakes! 

On Monday we will be learning about fair trade and thinking about what we think fair trade looks like. We will look at the journey of a cocoa bean being made into chocolate, and incorporate this learning into our information writing in Literacy. On Tuesday we will be thinking about designing our cup and ball toys and conducting some market research to see what our target market would like. We will spend the rest of the week designing, making, (tasting) and evaluating our products and making sure we are ready for the Enterprise Market on Friday afternoon. 

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