
Tuesday 12 February 2013

Science - Where did all the lights go?

In our topic we have been learning about light. We investigated which materials blocked the light and decided what we would make a pair of curtains out of. Today we went into the hall with a whole tray of things we thought were sources of light, but when we closed all of the blinds and turned all of the lights off we couldn't see them anymore! After a discussion we sorted the objects again based on our new learning. Our sources of light included a torch, the flame of a candle and the LED light on the microphone. We noticed lots of the things we thought were sources of light were shiny. We talked about how these materials reflected the light well and that's why we thought they were initially! What sources of light can you find at home? Have a look around your room when you go to bed, can you see any lights, or any objects that are reflecting light?

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