Sunday 18 November 2012

Numeracy - When and Where?

In Numeracy we have been learning the days of the week and the months of the year. We made a 'week diary' thinking about certain things that happen on different days... We talked about the seasons and the weather and what the trees look like at different times of the year. With Mr Osborne they were thinking about what their morning routine is like, using time words to order events such as 'first, second, then, after, next, finally' etc...

We have looked at the position of objects and how we can describe exactly where something is using words like 'left, right, inside, under, middle, on top'.  Miss Burge showed us how our left hand can make an 'L' shape to help us remember.

Next week we are looking at estimating, comparing and measuring the weight of objects. At the end of the week we are also going to look at money to help us in our role play corner!

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